
City Accepts Donation of Land Next to School

Carl J. Lamb School

By Renée Morin

The City Council on Dec. 17 voted to accept a donation of two vacant lots next to Carl J. Lamb School for possible future use.

The lots donated by Watson/NH LLC comprise just under 20 acres and border Pleasant Street and the school. The hope is that in the future the property can be used to add a second entrance road to the school off Shaws Ridge Road. This would reduce traffic congestion at school pick-up and drop-off and would also provide better access for fire and emergency response services, making the area safer overall.

City Manager Steve Buck and councilors thanked the donor and described the donation as a “significant opportunity for our community.”

Superintendent of Schools Matthew Nelson clarified that the proposed second entrance was a long-term plan, nothing that will happen soon. Nelson also thanked the donors on behalf of the School Department.

Councilor Jonathan Martell asked Buck whether the city had any concerns relating to the acquisition. Buck replied that the city had no concerns, and that the property would have the added benefit of allowing the city to manage land surrounding one of the city’s major aquifers.

The post City Accepts Donation of Land Next to School appeared first on Sanford Springvale News.

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