
2024 Was a Leap Year for Us

Rolls of newsprint and the press at Maine Trust for Local News in South Portland

Photo: Connie Garber

By Connie Garber

When 20 people came together in March 2023 to explore the possibility of reviving the recently folded Sanford Springvale News, we had no idea whether we would succeed. We knew we would need a committed group of volunteers and strong community support. Now, almost two years later, we’re happy to say we’ve found both.

From the beginning, we became a cohesive group with varied individual skills and talents. Our 2023 milestones included getting the first email news out by the beginning of June, updating the website, and creating an organizational structure and workflow that allowed volunteers to continue the highly praised efforts of the newspaper’s founder, Zendelle Bouchard.

Our gains continued in 2024. In March, we published our first free print edition. Now, we distribute 1,200 copies to 40 locations every Friday. The number of subscribers to our Saturday morning E-News has grown to 1,600. Visits to our website have increased significantly, and we now have more than 5,000 followers on Facebook.

As 2025 begins, we continue to adapt and grow. Our print edition has proven to be so popular that the newsstands are empty within two or three days every week. So, we’ve developed a plan to increase the number of print copies for those who, even in this age of technology, still like to hold a tangible newspaper. By the beginning of February, we’ll transition to more cost-effective newsprint. This will enable us to increase the number of print copies we distribute while at the same time providing more space for content and advertising. We’ll also be able to offer some pages in color.

We have many to thank as the Sanford Springvale News continues to grow. We have many community volunteers who write weekly columns and feature articles, edit, proofread, take local photos and distribute the publication. And we value the contributions of student writers from the University of New England, St. Thomas School, York County Community College and Sanford High School.

Producing a free newspaper has associated costs, including layout, design and printing. None of what’s been achieved to date would have been possible without generous and significant donations from community members and advertisers, including the City of Sanford and other municipal entities with public notice ads. They’ve believed in us and the importance of local news. We could not have come this far without them.

We’re grateful for the opportunity to provide the Sanford Springvale community with local news and appreciate the positive feedback. We look forward to further progress in 2025 and hope we can continue to count on the support of our valued volunteers, donors and advertisers. None of this would be possible without you!


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