
Public Safety December Report

By Jordan Wilson

Sanford Communications Coordinator

Fire Department

The Fire Department responded to 371 calls for service last month, including 268 EMS calls. Of these, 230 EMS calls were unrelated to vehicle accidents. Additionally, there were seven fires during the month, including one brush fire and one vehicle fire.

Winter sees the highest number of home fires. The primary causes of winter fires are malfunctioning or improperly used heating systems such as furnaces, fireplaces, and space heaters. The Fire Department urges residents to ensure their heating systems are in proper working order and to follow safety guidelines to prevent fires during the colder months.

Also in December, the Fire Department announced that it had received a $45,000 public safety grant from the S&TK Foundation. The grant will be used to purchase search ropes and rapid intervention equipment. The department expressed gratitude for the grant, stating that it will allow members to further enhance their skills in search, rescue, and firefighter rescue operations.

Police Department

December was another busy month for the Sanford Police Department, with 3,004 calls for service covering a variety of incidents. The following are excerpts of arrests and summonses during the month.

Dec. 1:

  • A 17-year-old was arrested on Cottage Street and charged with operating while license suspended or revoked following a motor vehicle stop.

Dec. 2:

  • A 33-year-old woman from Sanford was charged with assault after police responded to a call about an assault in progress on Cross Street.
  • A 37-year-old woman from North Berwick was charged with operating with suspended registration after a motor vehicle stop at Lebanon and Foch Streets.
  • A 30-year-old woman from Shapleigh was charged with operating while license suspended or revoked after a motor vehicle stop at Front Street and Linden Avenue.


  • A 42-year-old Sanford man was arrested on York Street following a motor vehicle stop. He was charged with operating while license suspended or revoked, prior operation without a license, and violating conditions of release.


  • A motor vehicle stop on Lebanon Road led to the arrest of a 20-year-old from Durham. He was charged with operating under the influence, driving to endanger, and speeding: more than 30 mph over the speed limit.

Dec. 10:

  • A warrant was served on Coolidge Street, resulting in the arrest of a 45-year-old man from Alfred.
  • A 39-year-old woman from Sanford was arrested after a warrant was served at Layman’s Way in Alfred.

Dec. 11:

  • A 28-year-old Sanford man was charged with domestic violence criminal threatening following a domestic disturbance call on Marc Drive.
  • A 34-year-old man from Berwick was charged with assault on an officer, operating under the influence (no test), failing to stop for an officer, and refusing to sign a uniform summons and complaint after a motor vehicle complaint involving driving to endanger (DTE), OUI, and ATV.

Dec. 13:

  • A 39-year-old woman from Sanford was arrested on Oak Street and charged with domestic violence assault following a domestic disturbance call.

Dec. 17:

  • A 45-year-old man from Springvale was charged with assault following a domestic disturbance call on Barbara Street in Springvale.

Dec. 18:

  • A 34-year-old woman from Sanford was charged with operating without a license after a motor vehicle accident on Main Street.

Dec. 21:

  • A bomb scare on Main Street was investigated.

Dec. 22:

  • A 56-year-old individual from Springvale was charged with violation of a protection order following a call on Main Street.

Dec. 24:

  • A 63-year-old man living on Orlando Street in Sanford was charged with domestic violence assault following a domestic disturbance call.

Dec. 26:

  • A vehicle crash involving Fire/EMS on Lebanon Street resulted in the arrest of a 33-year-old man from Milton, NH. He was charged with leaving the scene of a property damage accident and operating under the influence.

Dec. 28:

  • A burglary in progress was reported on Main Street. Officers arrested a 30-year-old man from Wells, who was charged with unlawful possession of fentanyl, refusing to submit to arrest or detention, refusing to stop, and violating conditions of release.

Also last month, the department announced that Officer Brandon Wambolt graduated from the Maine Criminal Justice Academy. His dedication and hard work throughout the rigorous training have prepared him to serve and protect the community.

The post Public Safety December Report appeared first on Sanford Springvale News.

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