Someone spent some serious time and found the weirdest TOWN NAME in all 50 states. Here are some of our favorites . . .
1. Dummer, New Hampshire.
2. Number Eight, Missouri . . . and Ninety Six, South Carolina.
3. Paint Lick, Kentucky.
4. Accident, Maryland.
5. Satan’s Kingdom, Massachusetts.
6. Booger Hollow, Arkansas . . . and Booger Hole, West Virginia.
7. Handsome Eddy, New York.
8. The founders of these three must not have been impressed: Dull, Ohio . . . Boring, Oregon . . . and Bland, Virginia.
9. Some random sounds also made the list: Eek, Alaska . . . What Cheer, Iowa . . . Zap, North Dakota . . . and Ding Dong, Texas.
10. Lots of animal names: Frog Eye, Alabama . . . Catfish Paradise, Arizona . . . Flea Hill, Delaware . . . Chicken Bristle, Illinois . . . Elephant Butte, New Mexico . . . Plenty Bears, South Dakota . . . Mosquitoville, Vermont . . . and Worms, Nebraska.